本网站使用cookies.  在我们的 隐私政策.


正规博彩十大网站排名学院 is committed to protecting 和 securing individual 使用r information 和 digital identity obtained through the college’s web presence. 

The policy below represents when we collect personal information, the type of information collected 和 the options each individual has to opt out of information collection. We do not share any personal information collected from website visitors with external organizations or partners under any circumstance. The appropriate college personnel solely 使用 any information shared by visitors on applications, forms or other college-issued data prospecting vehicles for internal business only.


  • Information from 使用r interaction with the website, such as:
    • 页面访问
    • 任何技术资料,例如:
      • 设备类型
      • 操作系统
      • 浏览器
      • 位置(基于IP地址)
  • Information 使用d to improve the website 和 measure the success of advertising campaigns (or improve marketing strategies)


We collect website usage data through Google Analytics. 看到 谷歌的隐私政策使用条款.


小的数据文件, known as "cookies" are 使用d to collect 和 store information for analytics 和 marketing strategies. Cookies may be disabled in the 浏览器 or using tools like 谷歌的“选择退出”浏览器插件.

Third-party cookies may be 使用d by marketing partners to assist with advertising campaigns by the College. Information will not be sold to any third-party vendor or organization.


If you live in the United States 和 have Google Ads Personalization enabled, we may collect additional information such as:

  • 有关您所在位置的信息, 搜索历史记录, YouTube history 和 data from sites that partner with Google.

这些信息是聚合和匿名的.  If you want to avoid this information being collected, visit 我的谷歌活动.  您可以在以下位置禁用谷歌广告个性化 我的广告中心.

隐私政策 for Prospective or Enrolled Students Located in the European Union

This 隐私政策 applies to prospective or enrolled 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 students located in the European Union.

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“EU GDPR”) is a regulation governing the 使用 of personal data. It imposes new obligations on entities that control or process personal data about people who are located in the European Union. This regulation applies to entities both inside the European Union (“EU”) 和 outside of the EU 和, 适用于欧盟任何人的数据, regardless of whether they are a citizen or permanent resident of an EU country.


正规博彩十大网站排名学院 is committed to safeguarding the privacy of “personal data” of present 和 future students (a “student” is any person who presently attends 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 or has attended 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 in the past). “Personal data” is defined as any record created in the EU 和 transferred to 正规博彩十大网站排名学院, which is directly related to an identified or identifiable student. “个人资料”的例子包括, 但不限于, directory information as defined in 正规博彩十大网站排名学院’s FERPA政策.

本隐私政策概述了收集内容, 使用, 和 disclosure of personal information provided to 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 by students.

Students who reside in EU countries 和 who apply, 或者可以申请, to 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 will need to provide consent for the collection 和 使用 of personal data. Students who have provided data-collection consent to 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 through CommonApp or other means, 不需要提供同意书副本. If you are located in the EU 和 you have not provided consent, or you are unsure, please provide consent using the following consent form: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 同意 Form for Collecting Personal Data In/From European Union (PDF).

Students who participate in International Programs in EU countries will need to provide consent for the collection 和 使用 of personal data. Students who have provided data-collection consent to 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 through Terra Dotta, 宪章或其他方式, 不需要提供同意书副本. 如果你没有提供同意, or you are unsure, please provide consent using the following consent form: Center for Global Learning 同意 Form for Collecting Personal Data In/From European Union (PDF).

数据控制器, under the GDPR law 和 with particular reference to the safety obligations related to automatic processing of student data, 是正规博彩十大网站排名. All data will be 加工过的 by 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 in its capacity as Data Controller with the supervision of the Data Protection Officer, 你能联系到谁 info@dzhfyw.com.


为本隐私政策之目的, 敏感信息定义为种族, 民族起源, 宗教或哲学信仰, 健康数据, 性取向, 以及刑事定罪.

正规博彩十大网站排名学院 departments supporting students collect 和 process Information 和 Sensitive Information from individuals who are students only as necessary in the exercise of the College’s legitimate interests, 功能, 和 responsibilities as a higher education institution.

Information is collected from students 和 shared with internal 和 external parties to: register or enroll persons in the College, 为学生提供和管理住房, 管理学生账户, 提供学术建议, 开发和实施教育项目, 跟踪学习进度, 分析和改进教育项目, 招生, 制定监管报告, 审计, 维持认可, 和 other related College processes 和 功能. 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 Departments supporting students also 使用 Information 和 Sensitive Information to conduct general demographic 和 statistical research to improve the College’s programs.

收集敏感信息, 加工过的, 和 shared internally 和 externally as necessary, 适用的, 和 appropriate in order to: identify appropriate support 服务 or activities, 提供合理的住宿, 执行学院政策, 并遵守适用法律. Information 和 Sensitive Information may be shared by the International Programs Office with third parties who have entered into contracts with the College in order to perform 功能 on behalf of the College while sponsoring or hosting programs, subject to the obligation of confidentiality 和 safeguarding from unauthorized disclosure.


正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may disclose a student’s Sensitive Information 和 other information as follows:

  • 同意: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may disclose Sensitive Information 和 other Information if it has a student’s consent to do so.
  • 紧急情况: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may share a student’s Information 和 Sensitive Information when necessary to protect the student’s interests when the student is physically or legally incapable of providing consent.
  • 就业的必要性: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may share a student’s Sensitive Information when necessary for administering employment benefits, subject to the imposition of appropriate safeguards to prevent further unauthorized disclosure.
  • 公共信息: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may share a student’s Information 和 Sensitive Information if the student has manifestly made it public.
  • 存档: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may share a student’s Information 和 Sensitive Information for archiving purposes in the public interest, 用于历史研究, 出于统计目的.
  • 合同的履行: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may share a student’s Information when necessary to administer a contract the student has with the College.
  • 法律责任: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may share a student’s Information when the disclosure is required or permitted by international, 联邦, 以及国家法律法规.
  • 服务提供商: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 使用s third parties who have entered into a contract with the College to support the administration of College operations 和 policies. 在这种情况下, the College will share a student’s Information with such third parties subject to the imposition of appropriate safeguards to prevent further unauthorized disclosure.
  • 学院附属项目: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may share a student’s Information with parties that are affiliated with the College for the purpose of contacting the student about goods, 服务, or experiences that may be of interest to the student.
  • 去识别和汇总信息: 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may 使用 和 disclose Information in de-identified or aggregate form without limitation.


正规博彩十大网站排名学院 ensures that there are appropriate technical controls in place to protect your personal details. 例如, College online forms are always encrypted 和 the College network is protected 和 routinely monitored. 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 undertakes regular reviews of who has access to information that it holds to ensure that your information is only accessible by the relevant staff, 志愿者, 还有商业伙伴.

If 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 appoints an external party to undertake a screening of information, any such arrangements are subject to a formal agreement between the College 和 that firm has measures to protect the security of all data.

Individuals with questions about personal data collected 和 加工过的 by 正规博彩十大网站排名学院’s Student Affairs Office 和/or Center for Global Learning should contact globallearning@dzhfyw.com.

Retention 和 Destruction of a Student's Information

The college will retain a student’s information in accordance with 适用的 联邦 laws 和 the college’s Record Retention Policy. A student’s information will be destroyed upon the student’s request unless 适用的 law requires destruction after the expiration of an 适用的 retention period. The manner of destruction shall be appropriate to preserve 和 ensure the confidentiality of the student’s information, 考虑到敏感程度, 大学的价值和重要性.


学生有权要求进入, 的副本, 的整改, 的使用限制, or erasure of Information in accordance with all 适用的 laws. The erasure of a student’s Information shall be subject to the retention periods of 适用的 联邦 law 和 the College’s Record Retention Policy.

If the student has provided consent to the 使用 of his / her Information, the student has the right to withdraw consent without affecting the lawfulness of the College’s 使用 of the Information prior to receipt of the request. Students may exercise these rights by contacting the Registrar.

Information created in the EU will be transferred out of the EU to the College. If a student feels the College has not complied with 适用的 foreign laws regulating such information, the student has the right to file a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority in the EU.


正规博彩十大网站排名学院 may update or change this policy at any time. A student’s continued 使用 of the College’s website 和 third-party applications after any such change indicates the student’s acceptance of these changes. 

我们欢迎您的反馈或建议. 联络我们: info@dzhfyw.com.
